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reese's heart

It has been many months since I have posted to this blog. I have had so many ideas to write about, and just as many excuses not to put my thoughts here. But, I am back! I was inspired to write and share my youngest daughter’s story about her new charity efforts.

Here is the introduction that we recently published on her new Facebook page:

Reese has always had a heart for the homeless. Following in her father’s footsteps, she cannot pass by a homeless person without offering her smile, or tugging on her parents to see if they have money or food to give.

Recently, our family started carrying “blessings” bags in our car, to be prepared to share with the homeless if we saw them on the road. The zip-lock bags have a handwritten scripture on the front. Each bag contains a water bottle and snacks such as raisins, crackers, and a granola bar. Reese is always excited to give these bags away.

Late one evening, we were driving home from an event, and there was a homeless man at the corner as we sat at a red traffic light. We didn’t have any money, but Reese remembered she had an extra bag of chips in her backpack that she had gotten out of the vending machine earlier that day. I told her that was good and to give me the bag, and i would hand it to the man. However, I remembered it was almost 11 p.m., it was just the two of us, and we were not in the safest neighborhood. I wrestled with what I should do, and then the light changed to green. I decided to show my daughter that it is good to help others, but that we have to also be sure we are safe. I immediately regretted my decision as Reese began to cry uncontrollably and said to me, “I just want to help homeless people!”

Reese’s heart overflows with kindness and compassion when she has the opportunity to serve the homeless. This has encouraged us to keep this mission going, and want to invite you to join us.

We will be collecting items to continue to create blessings bags for the homeless locally. We will host bag making parties, and encourage our guests to deliver some of the bags they have helped put together.

Needs may change from month to month. We encourage you to have a heart for the homeless like Reese. Please follow her pages @ReeseSmedley on Facebook and Instagram to see how you can help!